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    Главная » 2015 » Март » 17 » Mounting a Jeep CB Antenna
    Mounting a Jeep CB Antenna

    Mounting a Jeep CB Antenna

    If you are looking for a mount for your Jeep, you are not alone.  Thousands of Jeep owners have a CB radio antenna mounted on their rig.  Having a CB radio provides a mode of communication for chatting with friends on the trail, and a safety feature for contacting help when needed.  There are several options for mounting locations for your Jeep CB antenna .  We will outline some of the more common ones here.

    Check out our Jeep CB Radio Kit to save time and effort!


    Jeep Hood / Fender CB Antenna Mounts

    Hood mounts, or fender mounts, are a popular option for mounting an antenna on a jeep.  This is in part because it makes routing the cable easier.  It is also an easy mount to attach if there is a mount specific to your year and model of Jeep.  When there is, you simply use existing bolts on the fender to attach the mount. If there isn't a specific mount for your Jeep, you can still use a universal Jeep fender mount.  You will just have to drill holes.


    Consideration for this mounting location:

    • Universal fender mounts with two bolts shouldn't be used with antennas taller than 4'
    • Mounts that can be anchored with more than two bolts may be able to handle taller antennas.  A spring is recommended with these mounts
    • It is best to use an antenna that extends at least one foot above the roof when installed on the fender.  Using a shorter antenna can cause a higher SWR.
    • Your transmit signal will be weaker to the front driver’s side of the vehicle, where there is no ground plane.
    • It is best to use an antenna that extends at least one foot above the roof when installed on the fender.  Using a shorter antenna can cause a higher SWR.
    • The coax for the antenna will have to be routed under the hood at or very near the mount location.  It is usually routed through the firewall under the hood from there.
    • When installing an antenna on the hood, you will typically end up with some slack in the coax.  It is better to run it in a figure 8 and stow it somewhere rather than shorten the coax.

    Drilling Holes for a Jeep Fender MountRouting Coax for Jeep Fender MountCompleted Jeep Fender Mount


    Mounting an Antenna to a Jeep Tail LightJeep Tail Light Mount

    Behind the tail light is another popular location for mounting a CB antenna on CJ, YJ and TJ body styles.  Teraflex makes a specialized Jeep tail light mount for these styles.  Installation is as easy as removing the taillight and putting it back on with the mount underneath.  One thing to keep in mind with these mounts is that they are powder coated, which can cause problems with grounding.  You may need to scrape some of the coating off to make good contact. Consideration for this mounting location:

    • The powder coating on tail light mounts may need to be scrapped off to make good contact for a ground
    • It is best to use an antenna that extends at least one foot above the roof when installed on the fender.  Using a shorter antenna can cause a higher SWR.
    • It may be necessary to brace the antenna or otherwise protect the vehicle from being struck by the antenna when mounted in this location.  When doing this, take care not to ground the antenna and tune the antenna after adding anything.

    Jeep Tire Rack Mount

    Another Mount option from Teraflex is a Jeep tire rack mount.   This mount is compatible with JK style Wranglers.  Just like the tail light mount, this one is attached with existing hardware on the tire rack.  Also like the tail light mount this antenna mount is powder coated and may require adjustments for proper grounding.  Accessories Unlimited has also come out with a similar mount that is not powder coated. Consideration for this mounting location:

    • The powder coating on Teraflex tail light mounts may need to be scrapped off to make good contact for a ground.  AU mounts do not have this issue.
    • It is best to use an antenna that extends at least one foot above the roof when installed on the tire rack.  Using a shorter antenna can cause a higher SWR.
    • Make sure your tire rack has a good electrical ground for the antenna mount.  If it doesn't, you may need to run a ground wire to the mount.

    Teraflex tire rack mount kitAU tire rack mount kitAttached tire rack mountInstalled tire rack mount


    Jeep Bumper Mount

    Many Jeep owners like to mount their CB antenna on the bumper.  This can be achieved with one of several antenna mounts.  If you want to avoid drilling holes you can use a wrap around bumper mount.   You can also drill holes and bolt on a traditional ball mount or any side mount. Consideration for this mounting location:

    • It is best to use an antenna that extends at least one foot above the roof when installed on the bumper.  Using a shorter antenna can cause a higher SWR.
    • Make sure your bumper has a good electrical ground for the antenna mount.  If it doesn't, you may need to run a ground wire to the mount.
    • Ball mounts and side mounts may require you to have access to both sides of the mounting surface.

    Other Locations to Mount an Antenna on a Jeep

    Jeep owners tend to be open to modifying their vehicle to install a CB antenna.  This makes the job SO much easier.  If you are willing to drill some holes you can not only make installing a CB antenna on your Jeep easier, but  you can make it look much nicer, too.  Side or ball mounts can be used on any location around the Jeep that can hold the weight of the mount and antenna. Consideration for this mounting location:

    • It is best to use an antenna that extends at least one foot above the roof .  Using a shorter antenna can cause a higher SWR.
    • Make sure your install location has a good electrical ground for the antenna mount.  If it doesn't, you may need to run a ground wire to the mount.
    • Ball mounts and side mounts may require you to have access to both sides of the mounting surface.

    Ball mount on rear quarter panelSide mount on front quarter panelMolded side mount on rearMolded side mount near tail light


    General Jeep CB antenna Considerations

    When deciding on a CB antenna and mounting location there are several things you should keep in mind:

    • If you are going to be on rough trails, your antenna is going to move, especially if it is a taller antenna and/or if you have a spring installed.   Steel whips are especially prone to whipping around
    • Some events ban whip antennas to prevent injuries.
    • Consider a quick disconnect or tie down for taller antennas if you will be going into low clearance areas like forests or garages often.
    • Tune your antenna after installing it!
    • Bone up on your CB radio lingo before you go on the air!


    Категория: CB, LPD, PMR- связь... | Просмотров: 624 | Добавил: laptop | Рейтинг: 4.5/4
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